Veganism: The New Norm?

I’m a vegan, and I have my reasons. There are many upsides to this lifestyle. It’s a great way to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, increases antioxidant intake, and can promote better self-control. It promotes a safer and healthier environment by reducing greenhouse gases produced from farms and farm animals. More lives of animals are protected when the consumption of meat and other animal products are reduced.

Yet despite its obvious upsides, veganism has its detractors. Some see it as impractical or extreme. Vegan means to not consume any animal products, including meat, eggs, dairy, fish, or honey. Iron deficiency is a typical concern due to the absence of meat, which can lead to fatigue and brain problems. But foods such as soybeans, white beans and spinach are good sources of iron for vegans. Another alternative would be daily iron supplements.

Frequently misunderstood, vegans tend to be thought of as fringe eaters with an “unnatural passion for animal rights.” Yes, veganism helps save animals, but it also ensures a host of health benefits, including the prevention of some major diseases that are striking in Northern America.

Although only 5% of people in the US are vegetarian or vegan, it is much higher than the small 1% reported in 2009 (The Raw Food World). People assume it’s unhealthy due to one not getting nutrients from meat, milk, egg, etc. In fact, this is definitely not the case. Someone who is living this lifestyle can get nutrients from beans, grains, nuts, seeds, and soy.

Many different cuisines such as Mexican, Asian, Italian, Indian, and Mediterranean offer a lot of vegan fare. There are endless options of meat substitutes to choose from. Vegan eating is not just about avoiding things, it’s about discovering new foods.

I had hoped to discover many more vegan-friendly foods when GV opened its new dining center last fall. Being located in such an up-and-coming city, I assumed there would be no issues with getting proper nutrition.

GV states on their Dining Services website they “provide a vegetarian-friendly environment, with a variety of vegetarian or vegan choices”. Unfortunately this just means they serve vegetables, frequently not being fresh. Luckily, there can be ways to improve the menus to accommodate to this lifestyle.

Figuring out what ingredients and products a vegan can have may seem difficult at first, but the more you learn the easier it becomes until it eventually becomes second nature. Asking what’s in the food will not only expand your knowledge, but will also expand the chef’s as well. It’s like reading ingredients at the grocery store; once you know and learn, you will know for the future, and ordering next time will be easier.

Living a vegan lifestyle is one of the best ways to combat unhealthy eating and cruel treatment towards animals. If more people went vegan, more vegan products would be available for consumption and at a cheaper rate. More farm animals would be spared their lives, and farmers would begin to grow more healthy products. It isn’t a requirement to eat animal products to be healthy.

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