Ask an Expert: Professors Ask Students

Ever wonder what is going through a professor’s head when they are staring at you, but not saying anything? A few professors at Grand View University took time out of their day to come up questions they want to ask their students but chose not to. And students around campus answered the questions honestly.


Q: How would you feel if I rolled out of bed 5 minutes before class and showed up in my pajamas like you do?

A: “As long as they aren’t late, that’s fine. I don’t care what you look like as long as you are on time.” –Heaven Harper (So.)

“I would honestly be okay with it. Just embrace it!”- Megan Hummel (Jr.)

“I would be frustrated, shows a lack of effort on the professors part. I would feel as though they don’t care as much as I do.”- Blake Cunningham (Sr.)

“I would think my teacher is lazy.” -Anna Dolezal (So.)

“Probably wouldn’t take them as serious as I should.” –Kerry Green (Jr.)


Q: Do you really think you can skip buying the books for this class and still pass, or are you just feeling lucky?

A: “I don’t think that applies to me because I buy my books.” –Megan Hummel

“I have bought books for every class that has required it, and I have used like 3 of them, so I wish I would of felt lucky.”-Heaven Harper

“Well personally, I’m that guy who doesn’t buy the book, and I have passed all my classes with good grades.”- Blake Cunningham

“Depends on the class. If they don’t say much about the book, then 9 times out of ten you don’t need it.”-Kerry Green


Q: When you sit in my class with your head down looking at your lap, do you really think I don’t know you’re updating your Facebook status/texting?

A: “I think they know 100%, but obviously if I’m on my phone, I don’t care that you know that I am on my phone.” –Megan Hummel

“I think professors know, students just chose to get on their phone anyway.” –Anna Dolezal

“They definitely know we are on our phone, and it is probably frustrating and disrespectful for them, but we do it anyway.”-Blake Cunningham

“Sometimes we don’t care.”- Heaven Harper


Q: What is the greatest motivator to get you to class?

A: “Well it sucks for students, but the biggest reason is when we have a quiz, homework is due, or I have to give a presentation because I know I can’t skip.” –Anna Dolezal

“So I can learn what I need to know to be successful nurse. I like the feeling of being well prepared, also each class is worth like a bunch of my money.”- Megan Hummel


Q: What could we, as professors do differently?

A:“Get to the point. I get bored in classes because they break it down too much.”-Heaven Harper

“Don’t grade me based on your opinion of the subject but on how I back up the knowledge. Don’t be biased toward your own beliefs.” –Megan Hummel

“Find a way to get the students more engaged in class more.”-Kerry Green

“I think all the professors do a great job!”- Blake Cunningham

“Just make the material entertaining, be resourceful and creative.” –Anna Dolezal


Q: Do girls want me to stop and stare at your chest? Is that why they wear low v-cut shirts?

A: “Some might, but I can’t say I have that problem.”-Heaven Harper

“Umm… no. Maybe I’m trying to impress the hottie in the class.”-Anna Dolezal

“No! I have not experienced that, but why are you looking?”-Megan Hummel


Q: Which is better the movie or the book?

A: “Umm.. definitely the movie, but the book if you are trying to get a good grade.” –Anna Dolezal

“The book is always better if you take the time to read and analyze it.” –Megan Hummel

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