GV Rules

Have you ever connected to unsecured WiFi? Gone faster than the speed limit? Jaywalked? Is your dog licensed? If you’ve done any of these things, you’ve broken the law.

Grand View doesn’t have laws; however, it has up to 13 pages full of rules and regulations about on-campus living. It can be difficult for enforcers — RAs and RDs mostly — to uphold these rules for many reasons. Some violations are difficult to catch, some depend on reporting from roommates, and a few are just plain awkward. Examples of violations include not being able to prop dorm doors, having only one alcohol container open at a time and having a friend or family member stay in your room for more than three consecutive nights.

Yes, many students see these rules as unfair, but GV’s director of residence life, Adam Demers, has a few words to say about why these rules are necessary at Grand View.

In the video below, you can hear from Demers and put your knowledge of the rules to the test. As you watch, pay attention to the items in the dorm room, and write down the violations you see. How many can you discover?

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