How to Network Effectively

When you go to college, the end goal is to graduate and then enter the job market, but what does it take to get there?  Companies are not going to reach out to you, you are going to have to reach out to them. One crucial element that you will need is the ability to network effectively.

Networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts. When going to a networking event, make sure that you know why you are there and dress appropriately. Business casual is recommended when attending networking events because they are potential job interviews for you.

LB Lyons is the director of alumni relations at Grand View. Her job is to engage with alumni after they graduate and help them to know what programs are available for them as alumni.

She said that important physical qualities to have when networking are strong eye contact and a firm handshake, the ability to smile, as well as to ask the other person questions. Lyons also said to remember the other person’s name and to thank them afterwards for their time. 

Make sure to avoid infringing upon personal space and talking about sensitive topics.

Jessica Carlson, a GV alumna and financial adviser at Northwestern Mutual said that networking is about building relationships. Carlson said that when it comes to networking for introverts and extroverts, introverts are more likely to be successful because they can build genuine relationships with a single person or people, while an extrovert is typically going from person to person. While introverts build deeper relationships, extroverts tend to make connections easier due to outgoing personality traits.

“When you are meeting someone for the first time, focus on their name and reusing it back to them, because it’s going to show that you genuinely care and are interested in them,” Carlson said. “Someone’s favorite topic is themselves, so as you are meeting people in that career ask them questions about themselves, because they are going to like you better if you ask them questions.”

Scott Prickett is another GV alumnus who works for Krist Insurance Services and is the president of the National Alumni Council at GV.

“One of my best friends is A. J. Krist (who owns Krist Insurance Services) and we got to know each other through different networking events, and from that friendship we formed a partnership, which got me to where I am today,” Prickett said.

He said that when networking, introverts should try to get out of their comfort zone to meet new people. Prickett said a formula he uses to meet new people is called FORM, which stands for family, occupation, recreation and message/money.

He said networking is as simple as asking someone that you met online out for coffee to learn about their skills. Prickett also said that involvement is important when it comes to networking. He has learned this firsthand through his involvement as president of the National Alumni Council and through his church, business and his youth softball organization. Prickett has met a numerous amount of people with whom he has meaningful relationships with today.

There are many ways to get involved in networking while in college. GV is hosting an alumni-networking event later this year. To dis

 Some events happening around Des Moines regarding networking are the Iowa County Engineers Conference on December 11th and the Des Moines Job Fair on January 30th, 2020. 

Social media is important in networking because employers now use it a lot, and LinkedIn is becoming a popular option for networking online. A LinkedIn profile allows people to find others in their potential career field, and you can search for employers that are hiring. You can also look for a company that you may want to follow, reach out to them and schedule a time to meet with them. But, make sure to remain professional when you do so.

Carlson said that GV prepared her to be successful in her career because it taught her about the importance of relationships, getting involved in whatever ways she could and creating a safe environment, which she applies to her job today.

For students who want to improve their networking skills, Carlson said to actively listen and think about what people are saying. She said listening to podcasts about networking helps improve networking skills as well as going out, failing and getting uncomfortable in order to improve.

Prickett said to get involved with student leadership and what you are passionate about as well as to find a great mentor for what you want to do and to check out any networking events that you can.

Students can also network by being actively involved and engaged with other students and their professors. Another thing that students can do is go to the campus career center to learn about networking internships and job opportunities. Also practice mock interviews and find tips on how to build your online presence.

Above all, strive to be open to new connections. You never know what will happen or whom you will meet. A job opportunity might be around the corner, and that is why networking is important.

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