GV Wrestling: Secret to national success

Grand View is known for its successful athletic teams. The wrestling program is one of the most hardworking, award winning teams on campus. Led by Head Coach Nick Mitchell, this team has won seven straight National championships, making Grand View University the fourth school in history to accomplish such a feat.

So what is their secret formula for success?

Coach Mitchell said that one essential factor in this formula is for the team to stick to a routine.

“We stick to the same routine so these guys can get themselves to the same place mentally and physically every time,” Mitchell said.

Not only does Coach Mitchell help the wrestlers with their schedule, but he always tries to keep a clear line of communication with them.

Mitchell said, “I try to make sure they trust me and know what I want is best for them”.

Although a routine and clear communication are key, Coach Mitchell said that creating a culture is equally as important. He said he wants his wrestlers to buy into something bigger than themselves, which means creating a good team bond.

Mitchell compared the team’s bond similar to a bond of people who go to war together; the bond is strong, unique and requires a lot of trust.

“We are together so long a special bond just gets created on its own,” said Mitchell.

The athletes believe this bond greatly influences their overall success. Senior wrestlers Cole Manion and Trevor Murano shared memories of the team bonding by hanging out, having BBQs and just enjoying each other’s company.

They also believe their diets and physique aid them during their season. For those who do not know, a wrestler’s diet is stricter than most competitive athletes’ diets. Some players have to completely change what they eat, while others take supplements.

Manion explained how he eats small meals every 3 hours and only drinks water. He also talked about he doesn’t eat fast food or go partying since it would affect his performance on the mat.

While diet and exercise is important, the most crucial element of this formula is having a  “championship lifestyle”. Coach Mitchell described this as “trying to be the best in every aspect of your life.” This lifestyle seems to be an inspiration and motivation to many on the team, including Manion and Murano.

The Vikings wrestling team has big goals in mind trying to live up to the programs more than just an impressive history. The team starts their competition season early in November at the Harold Nichols Cyclone Open.


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